Thursday, 2 February 2012

February Unite M&E Newsletter - Issue 3

BBES ballot: two to one vote ‘yes’ to strike 
Unite members have again voted by a huge majority for strike action.
66 per cent voted for strike action and 70 per cent voted for action short of a strike.

295 voted 'yes' for strike action (66%), 145 voted 'no' for strike action and there were 6 spoilt ballot papers.

313 voted 'yes' for action short of a strike (70%), 131 voted 'no' action short of a strike and there were 2 spoilt ballot papers.

This result shows our members determination to stand up to the bullying tactics by BBES in their attempt to impose the inferior BESNA contracts.

BBES High court injunction
Despite two ballots where workers have made it clear they don’t want BESNA, BBES have ignored their workers and taken out an injunction in the High Court to prevent strike action. Unite says this is misguided. Law courts don’t settle industrial disputes - only negotiations will. Unite is clear. If BBES win their injunction Unite will ballot again.

Unite has had to give an assurance to the court that it will not call strike action until the result of the hearing on Tuesday, 7 February is known. If Unite successfully defends our ballot we will announce strike action soon.

90 per cent of workers in the Seven say ‘no’ to BESNA

Unite’s recent text survey of our members in the Seven shows that a massive 90 per cent of workers only signed the new agreements because of the threat of dismissal NOT because they were happy with the deal.

Hitting them where it hurts
Unite is lobbying many clients, including BAA, Leeds City Council, the Scottish Parliament to ensure pressure is put on the Seven to pull back from the brink. A few powerful clients have told us that they will only use contractors who hold agreements with Unite as they do not want industrial unrest. Keep up the pressure its working.

Give us your details
Unite is moving to ballot in Spie Mathews and NG Baileys in the coming days. We must have your up to date details to comply with balloting laws.

If you haven't recently given Unite your up-to-date details please download the questionnaire and return it to so we can update our records.

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