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“Extra - Extra” “Read all about it” ‘Balfour Beatty sites taking strike action’
That’s the headline we need!
week saw a number of very successful protests at NGB sites across
England Scotland and Wales, with our Scottish brothers targeting a good
few, nice one!
Take a look at this film of the ‘Rank and File’ protest picket at the entrance to Hadrian Yard in Wallsend 27th Jan Where OGN are building an oil extraction platform for American firm Apache. It is a £150M, a 700 worker job.
This week coming is a massive week for us all in the BESNA dispute.
On the 2nd February we should have BBES ballot result. A yes vote is vital and any legal challenge should be met with the ultimate force by Unite. And ignored by responding in the only way we know best, with a call for ‘all out’ no matter what.
Come on Unite ‘no more Mr nice guy’ we are being had over here! The ‘Rank and File’ have led the way since August last year and will continue to fight, but now Unite must show must show the BESNA 7 that we are all serious.
mentioned last week about Unite having drafted in Kevin Coyne to head
up the campaign assisted by Bernard McAuley. We now know that another
official ‘Sharon Graham’ has been assigned to help with organising.
appreciate this but will be watching closely [we remember that Coyne
who is as an appointed official back in 2008 ran against Derek Simpson
on the right wing ticket for General Secretary finishing behind both
Simpson and our own Jerry Hicks]. Has he now moved over to the left due
to the ‘Rank and File’ tremendous actions in recent months.
Thursday a meeting was held in London with Unite officers and 6 Rank
and File Committee members, a report will be given at the Birmingham
meeting on the 4th February. Hopefully, Kevin Coyne will there as well to give an update and answer any questions.
We would love a big YES vote and a swift victory however the dispute may rumble on through February and past march if the BESNA 7 dig their heels in.
So we may have to change our tactics slightly this needs to be discussed at the Recalled’ National Rank and File meeting in Birmingham 4th Feb 1-4pm Carrs Lane Centre, Carrs Lane. We do need to get a plan together for the actions to be taken the following week throughout the UK.
If anyone needs assistance with travel costs to Birmingham please let us know as soon as possible. Email
It’s already nasty and it’s going to get dirtier
We have been made aware that a Balfour Beatty boss was at a ‘Rank and File’ meeting in Scotland recently, we must be getting to them. Be wary of the bosses. It may be an idea to think of a pseudonym if
you are asked for quotes or interviews at meetings or protests. Please
be careful what you send out by email or text and facebook sites,
Actions planned so far this week that we know of................
Cardiff Wednesday 1st February 7am Llandough Hospital
Cardiff Wednesday 1st February 8am Balfours Office Rumney [Cardiff]
London Friday 3rd February 7am and 7pm day and night shift. Mass protest at Blackfriars BBES site
may be worth targeting BBES sites in all areas on 3rd February? The day
after ballot result we will leave that up to the various committees to
If we are in a strike situation let’s start how we mean to carry on....Taking the fight wherever the Rogue BESNA may be skulking and dancing!!......................
London 15th February marching from Victoria to ECA headquarters and then lobbying ECA ‘Dinner and Dance’ in the evening. Anyone fancy coming down to London contact your regional office for travel payments. Email
For more details of demos protests and meetings near you please visit.....
Electricians Against The World http ://www . jibelectrician . blogspot . com/
Get in touch with us by Email
Come on lads let's crank it up! 31 march is nearly here, let's show these family destroying bastards that we're not letting them get away with ruining our lives. I hope they read this, because I want them to know how much I despise them. On a recent protest one of the besna 7 security guards, sorry, I mean the police, called us anarchists. What a fucking muppet! We are ordinary working class men fighting for our families. There is no stronger force than that. Spread the word and let's hit the gates. Blackfriars on Friday for me, good luck and solidarity to everyone else across the country....