Monday, 14 November 2011

More Balfour Propaganda and Todays Protests......

The Balfour Beatty propaganda machine is rolling on.
The Latest issue of the BESNA newsletter can be seen below. I think the title of the last one still sums it all up nicely, 'Don't Believe The Hype'

 I can think of thousands of questions to ask these scumbags. Please email ALL questions to one of the following:

I really really really really really do not condone anyone sending abusive or silly emails. OR signing up the above address's to lots of websites that are not to everyone's liking. That would be just plain childish.

Todays Action

Today saw a protest up in the North East, on Teeside. It was in Redcar at the SSI/Corus Steel site. A report of the protest supplied by the North East Rank & File.

A Magnificent Dawn Corus Today And More To Come

We had 200 demonstrators at Corus steel today. This really was a magnificent turnout. All the sparks either walked off the job or didn't turn up for work. 
There were HUNDREDS of cars waiting on the very busy dual carriageway approach roads to the steelworks while we talked to people going in to work. 
One of our demonstrators was arrested for obstructing traffic. Immediately we formed ranks on the main road and blocked the traffic. We demanded to know from the police inspector why she had been lifted. He promised she would be released in half an hour without charge. We therefore left the road and sure enough she was released without charge. 
All of these demonstrations the rank & file have organised are slowly reinforcing the lessons of trade unionism – stick together and fight the employer, the employer is the enemy. These lessons learnt over many years of struggle were lessons that employers, New Labour and full time officials had hoped were lost for good. 
BUT NO to emphasise that these basic lessons are not lost we have heard that lads at Ratcliffe walked out in support of SPIE and Balfours walkouts at Corus. 
This fight to protect national agreements IS WINNABLE if we stick together and focus on and target the employer. Some may not like this to be said but the full time officials will not help us. In fact they will sabotage us at the slightest chance. We have to continue OUR demonstrations that WE the rank and file organise. It is these rank and file demonstrations that forced the full time officials to organise a national ballot and the demonstration in London last Wednesday. Without us, the rank and file, taking unofficial action we would probably be on £10 an hour or been sacked. 
If the employers can get away with abolishing the JIB agreements then they will do the same with all other national agreements such as naeci. Therefore THIS Wednesday we plan to go back to Corus to support the NAECI agreements and to tell the employers to back off from abolishing NAECI  or else.

As mentioned above, when the lads at Ratcliffe Power Station heard news of Spie and Balfours lads walking off up at Corus they decided to also walk off and they refused to go back all day. It has also been brought to my attention that Spie lads walked off at Conoco and several other sites today also. Well done to you all. You are showing us southern softies how we need to go about it.

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