Thursday, 8 September 2011

Three Cities, Three Protests

Wednesday saw the third installment of the Rank and File protests against the de-skilling of the M&E industry.
The Shard was the target for the London protest which actually saw a Unite official turn up. Fingers crossed this will be a regular thing and Unite will start to back the Rank & File on all of the protests and throw some of their weight behind it. Approximately 250 turned up.
The RVI Hospital in Newcastle was the first protest in the North East with just over 50 R&F in attendance.
Manchester Town Hall was the third protest of the day with around 30 R&F.

All three protests started at 6:30am and continued on to 9:00am. As the Newcastle protest was organised very last minute it is fantastic to get just over 50 there. As this was the very first one in the North East it can only be a good thing to have a strong turn out for it. It can only grow bigger. I believe the Manchester Town Hall protest was the second one for the North West. All three cities need more to attend and that is down to us.

This has been a great start but we need it to get bigger. As London is now in its forth week they have the momentum. Newcastle and Manchester need to start spreading the word. Speak to all of the sparks, fitters and plumbers you know. Make them understand the consequences of what is happening. EVERY single one of them need to be told in no uncertain terms that this will be the downfall of our industry. Many say that it has been in decline for years and we are already fucked. Well stop moaning about it and do something. Stop the decline. When times are tough we need to stick together. None of this crap about I have a mortgage to pay. We ALL have mortgages to pay and this time next year YOU will be struggling with that mortgage as you will be on even worse money than you are now.

Dates for the Diary :

Tuesday 13th  September: A fringe meeting at the TUC conference at ULU Malet Street Room 3b 6.30pm -8.30pm organised by ‘Unite Rank and File committee’ (elected at the Conway Hall meeting). With various speakers including Mick Dooley, the UCATT General Secretary candidate and a film show of blacklisting. We hope to lobby Unite delegates during the week of the TUC conference at Congress House.
Wednesday 14th  September: Demo at the Olympic Stadium, Stratford, Pudding Mill Lane [DRL] at 6.30-8.30am. We will do our best to get some media coverage and may have a few surprises in store. Spread the word - let’s make it the biggest protest so far.
Wednesday 21st September: Rank & File meeting at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square 6:30pm

Saturday 10th September: A meeting to plan action. 333 Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6NG 10.00am – 12noon.

Wednesday 14th September: Demo at Balfours site New Paper Mill in Carrington. Junction 8 off the M 60 and 4 miles along the exit road on the right at 6.30am.
Saturday 1st October: Meeting at the Mechanics Institute 12noon - 3pm. To discuss the dispute and to decide ‘What next for the North West’ all welcome.

Friday 16th September: A sparks rally at Newcastle Labour Club at 7pm hosted by Newcastle Central Branch. This meeting is the chance to get together and decide ‘what next for the North East’ seems a pretty good idea for the following  
Wednesday 21st September: A demo outside Balfour Beatty, Percy St Newcastle 6.30am. Unite Offices are just around the corner, so not far for them to come!

If your town/city is not included above then get in contact either via facebook or We will be able to get the ball rolling and get the message out.

If you have any ideas for to get some publicity then please email me.

So it is up to us all. Spread The Word and Keep The Faith

 RVI Hospital - Newcastle
 RVI Hospital - Newcastle
 The Shard - London

The Shard - London

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