Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Latest Unite Construction Rank And File Newsletter........

The "Unite Construction Rank And File Group" are the group headed by the committee that was elected at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London on the 13th August 2011. Working together with the Site Worker magazine. To receive these weekly news updates directly to your email follow the LINK and join the group.



The ‘Rogues Gallery’ just got smaller. When 8 became 7!
MJN Colston have been forced by rank and file action to jump ship.
Still in ours sites: Bailey Building Services, Balfour Beatty Engineering Services, Tommy Clarke, Crown House Technologies, Gratte Brothers, SES and SPIE Matthew Hall.
Taking matters into our own hands while we wait for the ballot has led to a massive breakthrough with MJN Colston announcing it will stay within the JIB agreement.
Last weekend160 sparks met in Glasgow and decided on a series of actions [See details below]
Yesterday morning hundreds of sparks from West Burton protested outside the Lindsey Conoco site where they were joined by a delegation from the site of 150 sparks. Eventually the numbers swelled to over 500.
In Newcastle last night [Monday] at an official Unite organised meeting 150 sparks elected ‘rank and filer’ Jimmy Warne to chair the meeting which was quickly followed by the election of a 4 person rank and file committee to decide the next target/s for protests and demo’s.

URGENT: Everyone who can needs to get to Manchester this Saturday Oct 1st 12.00- 3pm at the Mechanics Institute 103 Princess St M6. To follow what London and Newcastle have done by electing their own committees and deciding future actions.
All this follows last week’s fantastic series of action and civil disobedience across the country.

‘Protests’ ‘demo’s’ ‘site invasions’ direct action and as the TUC supports “civil disobedience” has already brought a right result and is the way forward, main contractors will wonder “what’s next” it will pile the pressurise the remaining 7 JIB firms to back off, and tell unite ‘National ballot now’!
Multinational companies and their shareholders intend to take the wages out of our pockets to line there own. We will not let it happen.

Keep on inundating Unites National Construction Officer Bernard McAulay with emails bernard.mcaulay@unitetheunion.org demanding a date for the ballot.
Unite should organise a ballot immediately of all electricians, plumbers, pipefitters, HVCA and SJIB trades. Firstly balloting all BBES workers and then the other 7 companies.
We demand that unite announce our intention to ballot for strike action and join 2 million public sector workers in on strike against cuts on 30th November.
We demand a national meeting to co-ordinate our campaign open to all construction workers we also demand a national recruitment campaign to build for this strike.
Rank and file action/s…………………………….
London: Wednesday 28th September 6.30am Kings X Station platform 10 and 11 main concourse

Liverpool: Wednesday 28th September 6.30 – 9.00am Spie Matthew Hall, Brownlow Hill, Clarence Street.

Glasgow: Wednesday 28th September Velodrome - Springfield Road, Parkhead, 06.30am
Glasgow: Saturday 1st October 11.30am - People 1st March and Rally - Green to Kelvingrove Park - Assemble at Glasgow Green

Cambuslang: Wednesday 5th October 6.30am at Fire Training Centre Project - Clydemill Industrial Estate Cambuslang -

Glasgow Govan shipyard: Wednesday 12th October 07.00am - Assemble at the middle Gate. Govan Shipyard - Govan Road.

Rank and File meetings...........

Liverpool: Thursday 29th September 7pm-9pm Friends meeting House, 22 School Lane L1

Manchester: Saturday October 1st 12.00- 3pm Mechanics Institute 103 Princess St M6.

Glasgow Govan shipyard: Saturday 8th October - Construction Meeting - Time and Venue to be confirmed

London: Tuesday 11th October 6.30pm Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Holburn.
Email us with ideas and let us know if you have actions planned siteworkers@virginmedia.com
Find regular updates


And finally [for now] History is on our side

Please take a look at these 2 youtube clips [stick with the 2 parts as it is only 5mins total] It shows that Unions can beat the largest car company in the World, and we do the same to the 7
Even though it is in 1930s in the USA, when workers are in struggle it is the same the World over, bosses trying to exploit workers.
Flint Sit down Strike - part 1
Flint Sit down Strike - part 2

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